Your First Visit To A Lawrence Township NJ Chiropractor


The first visit is where we “gather information” to see whether or not you qualify for Lawrence Township NJ chiropractic care. You’ll be greeted as you walk in the front door and asked for a copy of your driver’s license and all pertinent insurance information. You will then be taken in immediately for a consultation. During this consultation you’ll see a short “Welcome to our office” video and then go through a detailed health history.

Lawrence Township NJ Nerve Evaluation

The next step is the spinal and nerve evaluation. An infrared full spine nerve evaluation will be performed and the results saved to track your level of “nerve irritation.” If a significant amount of nerve irritation is found, a video and pictures may then be taken of your spine to confirm the presence of subluxation. This visit should take roughly 30-60 minutes.

Depending on office activity and time of initial visit, your results may be obtained and your care initiated the same day. We pride ourselves, however, in rarely having to ask new practice members to wait more than 1-2 days to receive chiropractic care!

Take a look to see what you can expect during your second chiropractic visit.


7:00am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:30pm

7:00am - 12:30pm

7:00am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:30pm

3:00pm - 6:30pm


Saturday & Sunday

Lawrence Family Chiropractic

2320 US Hwy 1
Lawrence Township, NJ 08648

(609) 393-1600