Chiropractor Eric Jaszewski D.C.

Chiropractor Lawrence Township NJ Eric Jaszewski

Simply put, I was a skeptic when a friend told me to try a chiropractor for my back trouble.

It was through a childhood friend that I met my first chiropractor. Initially we were friends, and one day started talking about what he did for a living. I remember thinking how strange it sounded that this gentleman felt chiropractic was not simply a pain remedy, but that he had patients from all walks of life with all different kinds of ailments.

Many patients did have neck and back pain…but some had headaches, allergies, insomnia, asthma…even cancer! And he helped them all? With no drugs or surgery? I was intrigued! So I went in to his office to see what chiropractic was all about…however still quite skeptical.

After a short period of care not only was my lower back and neck feeling better, but I was breathing better, headache free, and sleeping better than ever before…what had he done to me! I had so many questions!

He went on to explain to me the 3 principles of chiropractic: 1) The body is self-healing and self-regulating. (“OK, I can agree to that,” I thought); 2) The brain and nerve system control and coordinate the body’s ability to heal and function. (“Still no objections”); 3) Any interference to the nerve system will disrupt the body’s ability to heal naturally, leading to more sickness, disease, and early death. “I am an expert in finding and fixing those interferences,” he said. (“WOW!”)

What can I say…I was hooked! To think that there was a way (without drugs or surgery) to prevent and many times fix health problems…I truly was blown away! That was 12 years ago and now I am blessed to provide this invaluable service to the world!

I split my undergraduate time between Boston College and Wayne State University (noted for its top medical program) and finished my undergraduate work with concentrations in both Biological/Life Sciences and Chemistry. I received a Doctorate of Chiropractic at Life University in Marietta, GA. Since graduating I received post-graduate training in the field of Natural Health and Wellness, as well as becoming a certified instructor of the Pierce RESULTS System of Subluxation Analysis and Correction.

Lawrence Family Chiropractic Philosophy

I love to take the toughest cases…people who have exhausted their other options. At Lawrence Family Chiropractic, we have a unique and highly advanced system of both analyzing and adjusting the spine. I am continually amazed at how much better people become under chiropractor care. This chiropractic care can help health concerns far beyond back pain.

As a chiropractic patient myself, I feel a duty to explain exactly what you can expect in our office. At Lawrence Family Chiropractic, we make it a point to explain everything in advance, answer any questions, and attempt to make you feel right at home. Seeing the amazing effect chiropractic care can have on someone’s life is extremely rewarding. Our goal is for our patients to achieve the maximum possible benefit from the care we provide them.

I am from the Hamilton Township area, and my family still resides there today. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with friends and family, volunteering at church, enjoying a great meal and lots of laughs.

I consider myself a wellness expert and enjoy living an active, healthy, drug free lifestyle. I am also an advocate of proper nutrition and a positive mental attitude in order to achieve optimal health. I have had my spine checked for subluxations by a chiropractor twice monthly since 2000.

Call Lawrence Family Chiropractic today!

I look forward to the opportunity to meet you in person and discuss your specific health challenge. Please contact our Lawrence Township NJ chiropractic office.


7:00am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:30pm

7:00am - 12:30pm

7:00am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:30pm

3:00pm - 6:30pm


Saturday & Sunday

Lawrence Family Chiropractic

2320 US Hwy 1
Lawrence Township, NJ 08648

(609) 393-1600